Tag Archives: Paul Keating

Keating, AUKUS and America’s military control of Australia

Source: Sydney Criminal Lawyers

A short article by former prime minister Paul Keating entitled ‘AUKUS servility just one facet of poor governance’, published by Pearls and Irritations on 31st July 2024, refers to the dangerous strategic implications associated with the flawed AUKUS trilateral security pact. Continue reading Keating, AUKUS and America’s military control of Australia

Protests against AUKUS and Labor’s Defence Strategy

Source: Pearls and Irritations. Click to enlarge.

The area outside Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s office in Marrickville, Sydney is rapidly becoming a regular meeting place for people wanting to express their concerns about key aspects of the Labor government’s policies.

Supporters of Julian Assange gather there every Thursday between 11.00am and 12.00pm.

On Saturday May 27, 2023 the Marrickville Peace Group (MPG) held its first ‘Peace Vigil’ outside the PM’s office which is scheduled to become a monthly event. Continue reading Protests against AUKUS and Labor’s Defence Strategy