Australia’s complicity in the Pinochet coup in Chile


Paul Daley‘Declassified documents show Australia assisted CIA in coup against Chile’s Salvador Allende’The Guardian, Sep 11, 2021.
National Security Archive‘Australian Spies Aided and Abetted CIA in Chile’, Sep 10, 2021.
Claudianna Blanco‘Challenge to declassify documents on Australia’s involvement in Pinochet coup continues in secret’, SBS Spanish Radio, Jun 20, 2021. (Transcript).
Clinton Fernandes‘Did Australian spies help install a Chilean dictator?’. interview with Phillip Adams, RN Late Night Live, Jun 7, 2021 [19min 53sec].
Claudianna Blanco‘Ex-intelligence officer fights to declassify documents on Australia’s involvement in Pinochet coup in Chile’, SBS Spanish Radio, Jun 1. 2021. (Transcript).
Clinton Fernandes, ‘Statement of facts, issues and contentions of the applicant in reply’, Legal Filing by Clinton Fernandes, Security Division,  Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal, published by National Security Archive, May 25, 2021.
Heather Gray‘Part V: Chile -The First 9/11 Australia’s Secret Service role in the Chilean Coup’, Justice Initiative International, Sep 16, 2017.
Ann Jones, No Truck with the Chilean Junta! Trade Union Internationalism, Australia and Britain, 1973–1980, ANU Press, 2014. (PDF chapters available online).
Florencia Melgar, ‘How Australian intelligence helped Pinochet dictatorship’, interview with Boyle, Green Left, Nov 29, 2013.
Florencia Melgar‘Refugee shock over Aussie role in Chile coup’, SBS News, Sep 18, 2013.

On the case of former DINA agent Adriana Rivas

Kristina Kukolja‘Adriana Rivas mounts new appeal against Chile extradition’, Law Report, ABC Radio National, Nov 16, 2021 [28min 34sec].
Esther Lozano, Claudianna Blanco & Peter Theodosiou‘How an SBS journalist tracked down General Pinochet’s ex-agent living in Sydney’, SBS Spanish Radio, Jun 25, 2021.
