Blue Mountains Peace Collective: Picnic for Peace – 21st April 2024

An Earth Day Picnic for Peace was organised by the Blue Mountains Peace Collective on Sunday 21st April 2024.

Held at Wilson Park in Wentworth Falls, the event attracted around 50 people and featured a teach-in and launch of a brochure entitled ‘War Costs the Climate’.

Confronting the threats of war and ending the AUKUS security pact were identified as essential to combating the climate emergency.

Additional topics highlighted during the event included:

– the high greenhouse gas emissions generated by the world’s militaries with Australia and its AUKUS partners, the UK and the US, being among the worse polluters;

– the failure of greenhouse gas emissions by militaries to be included in national emission reduction schemes;

– the existential threats to humanity posed by the climate emergency and war between nuclear armed powers.

As well, Australia’s multi-billion dollar military budget, including its acquisition of nuclear powered submarines at a cost of $368 billion, was contrasted with the shortage of government funds allocated to tackling dangerous climate change and acute cost-of-living pressures.

Adding to the occasion were stalls with food and plants etc. provided by the Blue Mountains Conservation Society and the Blue Mountains Unions & Community group. Entertainment was provided by the Ecopella choir, a local musician and poetry readings.

Additional information

Blue Mountains Peace Collective website and Recent Events webpage.
Blue Mountains Conservation Society website.
Blue Mountains Union and Community Facebook page.
Ecopella – Save the World Music website – refer to upcoming events in Canberra, Blackheath, New Lambton, Newtown & Central Coast.
Copies of the ‘War Costs the Climate’ brochure can be obtained by emailing the Blue Mountains Peace Collective via
Doug Weir, ‘The climate costs of war and militaries can no longer be ignored’, The Guardian, Jan 9, 2024.
Conflict and Environment Observatory, a UK charity that studies the environmental dimensions of armed conflicts and military activities. Its Military Emissions Gap project is a collaboration between academic and NGO partners and aims to improve implementation of the Paris agreement through greater military emissions reporting.

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