Category Archives: Aboriginal Affairs

Invasion Day Rally and Yabun Festival on 26th January 2022

Australia Day is observed annually on 26th January. It marks the 1788 landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove and the proclamation of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of Australia.

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, Australia Day is known as Invasion Day or Survival Day and has become a day of mourning for what unfolded after the landing of the First Fleet — the colonisation and dispossession of First Nations people. Continue reading Invasion Day Rally and Yabun Festival on 26th January 2022

Indigenous Voice To Parliament Under Threat


On 30 October 2020, Ken Wyatt AM MP, Minister for Indigenous Australians, announced the beginning of the Indigenous Voice Co-Design Process.

Following this announcement, the Federal government launched stage two of the co-design process by releasing the Indigenous Voice Co-Design Process Interim Report (Interim Report) on 9 January 2021 and initiating a four-month consultation process.

Individuals, communities and organisations have been encouraged to provide feedback either by completing a survey or by making a formal submission. Submissions close on 31 March 2021 and the survey will close at the end of the engagement period on 9 May 2021.

Continue reading Indigenous Voice To Parliament Under Threat

Aboriginal sovereignty and peaceful co-existence

Photo: Crikey. Click to enlarge.

Anzac Day Reflections organised by the Gallipoli Centenary Peace Campaign and actively supported by the Marrickville Peace Group in past years have always recognised the Frontier Wars and Indigenous people’s call for constitutional reforms to help them take their rightful place in society.

In keeping with this tradition, Peter Griffin has written a paper exploring the character of Indigenous sovereignty and the obstacles to its realisation. Below is a synopsis of his paper. The full paper can be read here.

Continue reading Aboriginal sovereignty and peaceful co-existence