Category Archives: Israel and Palestine

Rally for Palestine held outside PM Albanese’s office – 21st Dec 2023

Photo: ATLAS Community & Cultural Centre

A rally in support of Palestine was held outside PM Anthony Albanese’s electoral office in Marrickville on Thursday 21st December 2023.

The rally urged PM Albanese to reverse his current stance and vigorously campaign for an immediate and lasting ceasefire to Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.

The event was organised by the local ATLAS Community & Cultural Centre and supported by numerous community action groups including Team Assange Sydney. Continue reading Rally for Palestine held outside PM Albanese’s office – 21st Dec 2023

Francesca Albanese’s address to the National Press Club – International community, including Australia, is failing in its response to the Israel-Gaza war

Photo: Francesca Albanese, ABC

In her address to the National Press Club on 14th November 2023, Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories, described the international community as failing in its response to the Israel-Gaza war.

Francesca Albanese also criticised governments, including the Australian government, for having “amnesia”, “myopia” and “living in an alternative reality” when asked about its response to the war, as the death toll from the conflict exceeded 12,000 people.

She said the UN is experiencing its “most epic political and humanitarian failure since its creation”. Continue reading Francesca Albanese’s address to the National Press Club – International community, including Australia, is failing in its response to the Israel-Gaza war

Abusive Israeli Policies Constitute Crimes of Apartheid, Persecution

Israeli authorities are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution, according to a Human Rights Watch report released on 27 April 2021.

The 213-page report A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution describes how the Israeli government systematically privileges Jewish Israelis while repressing Palestinians, most severely in the occupied territory. Continue reading Abusive Israeli Policies Constitute Crimes of Apartheid, Persecution

Sydney protest against Israeli Prime Minister’s visit to Australia

Sydney protest rally & march

Over 1,000 people demonstrated against the visit to Australia by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Sydney’s Town Hall Square on Thursday February 23, 2017. Following the rally, the protestors’ planned march to Netanyahu’s hotel overlooking the harbour was blocked by police. Continue reading Sydney protest against Israeli Prime Minister’s visit to Australia

Australia should not welcome the Prime Minister of Israel

PM Netanyahu and PM Turnbull in New York.

A total of 60 prominent Australians have signed a statement opposing the visit this week by Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, due to the harsh and illegal policies that his government continues to inflict upon the Palestinian people. PM Netanyahu will be in Australia between February 22-25. Continue reading Australia should not welcome the Prime Minister of Israel

Will Israel expel Antony Loewenstein?

Antony Loewenstein

On December 12, 2016, Yair Lapid, leader of the Yesh Atid (There is a Future) party and a former finance minister, was the guest speaker at the Foreign Press Association in Jerusalem’s King David Hotel.

In attendance at this event was the Australian author and freelance reporter Antony Loewenstein, now based in Jerusalem. Continue reading Will Israel expel Antony Loewenstein?

Benjamin Netanyahu planned visit in 2017 condemned

The Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) has written to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to express its dismay over her decision to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Australia.

In an open letter to the Foreign Minister, APAN President George Browning noted the particularly unfortunate timing of the visit: Continue reading Benjamin Netanyahu planned visit in 2017 condemned