War Powers Petition

War Powers Petition

Between July 2013 and July 2014, MPG circulated a petition calling for the passing of a Defence Amendment Bill to require full parliamentary debate before deploying Australian troops to conflict zones overseas. A total of 400 hard copy signature were collected. The petition was presented to the Senate on 4th December 2014. See details and links below.

Title: Request for parliamentary debate before sending Australian troops overseas
Author: Marrickville Peace Group
Aim: For the Senate to “support a Defence Amendment bill to require full parliamentary debate before decisions are made about the deployment of Australian troops to overseas conflicts.”
Online link: Access closed online version here.
Hard copy link:
Start: July 2013
Finish: July 2014
Signatures: 400 (Hard copy signatures only. Refer to notes below).
Delivered to:
President and Members of the Senate in Parliament, Australia.
Presented by:
Presented to the Senate by Senator Scott Ludlam (Greens) on 4th Dec 2014. Refer to Senate Hansard link here.
Notes: The online petition signed by 186 people could not be presented since the Avaaz.org signatures document excludes the petitioners’ email addresses that are required by the Senate. This matter is currently being investigated.
