Tag Archives: Jennifer Robinson

Julian Assange extradition: U.S. fails to guarantee First Amendment protection

Photo: Getty images, London, Feb 21, 2024

At the conclusion of Julian Assange’s extradition appeal hearing in London’s High Court in February 2024, the two judges presiding reserved their decision pending the submission of certain assurances by the U.S. administration.  Continue reading Julian Assange extradition: U.S. fails to guarantee First Amendment protection

Biden “considering” request to drop Julian Assange’s indictment

President Joe Biden has said that he is considering a request from the Australian government to drop the decade-long U.S. drive to prosecute Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

Assange has been indicted on 17 charges under the U.S. Espionage Act of 1917, plus one charge of computer misuse, as a result of publishing classified U.S. military records and diplomatic cables on the WikiLeaks website almost 15 years ago. These documents exposed war crimes committed by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, among other matters of public interest. If convicted, Assange faces a sentence of up to 175 years in a U.S. maximum security or supermax prison.  Continue reading Biden “considering” request to drop Julian Assange’s indictment

Julian Assange’s last-ditch attempt to avoid extradition to the US

The extradition case of imprisoned WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange was heard last week at the British High Court of Justice in London.

In what is seen as a last-ditch attempt, Julian Assange’s lawyers are seeking permission from the High Court to challenge the extradition order signed by then UK home secretary Priti Patel in 2022.

At the conclusion of the two day hearing on 20th and 21st February 2024, judges Dame Victoria Sharp and Mr Justice Johnson, reserved their decision. A ruling is not expected to be handed down until next month at the earliest. Continue reading Julian Assange’s last-ditch attempt to avoid extradition to the US

Inner West Council flies Morning Star Flag in support of West Papuan independence

Morning Star Flag flying at Leichhardt Town Hall. Photo: Australia West Papua Association. (Click to enlarge).

Saturday December 1, 2019 marked the 58th anniversary of the first raising of West Papua’s symbol of independence, the Morning Star Flag.

The annual Global Flag Raising for West Papua is an international event where supporters around the world hold solidarity rallies and, on December 1, raise the Morning Star in support of the West Papua people and their right to self-determination.

This legitimate aspiration for self-determination was thwarted when an ‘Act of Free Choice’, popularly known as the ‘Act of NO Choice’, took place on August 2, 1969. This fraudulent vote involved a handpicked group of 1,025 West Papuans who were coerced, under the threat of violence, into voting for integration with Indonesia. Continue reading Inner West Council flies Morning Star Flag in support of West Papuan independence