
Nick Deane on Remembrance Day and honouring the war dead by ending war- Radio SkidRow: ‘Close to Home’ with Colin Hesse – Nov 10, 2022

Nick Deane from the Marrickville Peace Group talks to Radio SkidRow presenter, Colin Hesse, about Remembrance Day and the imperative of honouring the war dead by ending war. Access the interview here.

A/Prof Jake Lynch on do we need to ‘prepare for war’ to keep peace? – Radio SkidRow: ‘Close to Home’ with Colin Hesse – Apr 28, 2022

Associate Professor Jake Lynch, Chair of the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies (DPACS) at the University of Sydney, discusses the defence policies of the Australian Government and measures which may promote peace. Access the interview here.

Nick Deane on the campaign to free Julian Assange – Radio SkidRow: ‘Close to Home’ with Colin Hesse – Jan 21, 2022

Nick Deane from the Marrickville Peace Group talks to Radio SkidRow presenter, Colin Hesse, about the ongoing plight of Australian journalist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Assange’s brutal persecution has been described as an international scandal, involving the complicity of many governments. His crime is to have published critical information that the US government wanted to keep secret. This includes publishing leaks like the Baghdad airstrike Collateral Murder video, the Afghanistan war logs, the Iraq war logs, and the United States diplomatic cables leak known as Cablegate.

Assange continues to languish in London’s top security Belmarsh Prison following a decision by the UK’s Court of Appeal on December 10, 2021, that he can be extradited to the United States to face 17 charges contained in the US Espionage Act. These charges carry a maximum sentence of 170 years in prison.

Learn more about the campaign to free Julian Assange by accessing the interview here.

The story of the protest group, the Sand Dragons, and an intervirw with Prof Richard Tanter on the top-secret joint intelligence facility at Pine Gap – Triple R: ‘Max Headroom’ with Judith Peppard – Oct 19, 2017

This program includes a documentary ‘No Turning Back’ on the experiences of six women, the Sand Dragons, who ventured to Alice Springs in 1987 to protest at Pine Gap, together with an informative interview with Prof Richard Tanter on the enhanced operations and significance of the joint intelligence facility today. (‘No Turning Back’ starts 2min 15sec and ends 37min 28sec. Interview with Richard Tanter starts 40min 15sec and ends 53min 45sec). Listen here. (Requires Flash plugin).

Nick Deane on the International Day of Peace 2017 – Radio SkidRow: ‘Close to Home’ with Colin Hesse – Sep 21, 2017

Nick Deane from the Marrickville Peace Group talks to presenter Colin Hesse about this year’s International Day of Peace in the context of heightened military tensions between the United States and numerous other countries including North Korea. Listen to the interview here.

‘US strikes on Syria were illegal warn international law experts’, Sabra Lane: Interview with Prof Ben Saul, ABC Radio, AM – Apr 8, 2017

Prof Ben Saul claims that the US air strikes in Syria were “illegal under international law, because they’re not a use of force in self-defence, or with the authorisation of the Security Council, which are the only two circumstances in which the use of military force is legal under the United Nations Charter of 1945.” Listen to or read the transcript of the whole interview here.

Nick Deane on how Australia goes to war – Radio SkidRow: ‘Close to Home’ with Colin Hesse – Feb 25, 2016

In this interview with Colin Hesse, Nick Deane notes that the Australian constitution in effect bestow unilateral ‘war powers’ on the Prime Minister. It is argued that in a representative democracy, such a critical power should be vested in the Parliament rather than the Prime Minister or executive authority.

In addition, the changing role of the US controlled spy base at Pine Gap in Central Australia is also discussed. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Pine Gap Treaty. Protests against Pine Gap are planned for late September and early October this year. Listen to the interview here.

Prof Richard Tanter on Pine Gap – 3CR Melbourne 855AM: Radioactive Show – Feb 13, 2016

This program explores the operations and history of the top secret Pine Gap Joint Defence Facility, located abou 18 kilometres south-west of Alice Springs on Arrernte land.

This episode is part 1 of 2 and features a conversation with Prof Richard Tanter, an academic and activist, who has studied, taught and authored many pieces about Pine Gap and Australia’s defence policy over the decades.

For more information: Richard Tanter, ‘Joint Australian-US Defence Facility – Pine Gap’, Nautilus Institute, accessed Feb 25, 2016.


Vince Emanuele on the documentary We Are Many – 612 ABC Brisbane: ‘Mornings’ with Steve Austin – Nov 2, 2015

February 15, 2003 marked a day of co-ordinated protests around the world in which over 15 million people in more than 600 cities expressed opposition to the imminent Iraq War. Social movement researchers have described this global event as “the largest protest event in human history.”

It is estimated that that around one million Australians took part in theses protests against the war. In Sydney the slogan “No War” was painted on one of the Sydney Opera House’s sails by anti-war activists Will Saunders and David Burgess.

A new documentary We Are Many comprises archival clips and contemporary interviews with the organisers and sympathisers of these protests, especially in Britain. It also reveals how, after 9/11, Britain’s political rulers helped spread the lie about Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction” and eventually gained parliamentary backing to join the US-led invasion of Iraq.

ABC ‘Mornings’ presenter, Steve Austin, interviewed Vince Emanuele who is an Iraq veteran and peace activist from the US and who is featured in the film. Listen to the interview here.

Nick Deane on cutting military ties with Israel – Radio 2SER: ‘Radio Atticus’ – Aug 6, 2015

After circulating a media release on August 4 in which MPG called for the ending of military ties with Israel, Nick Deane, a spokesperson for the group, was interviewed by Radio Atticus’ presenter Annamarie Reyes.

MPG has long campaigned for the cutting of military ties with States that have records of egregious and systematic violations of human rights.

MPG’s media release emphasised that illegal settlements in the West Bank are “approved and built with impunity while Palestinian villages like Susiya are refused planning permission to build houses and put in water supplies. Daily life for Palestinians is constrained by the endless surveillance, movement controls and harassment of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) but deaths of Palestinians are seldom reported in the press here”.

The media release also welcomed the decision of the NSW Greens for Palestine to launch a campaign to cut Australian military ties with Israel. More information on this initiative can be found here.

MPG’s media release can be read here. The full interview with Nick Deane can be heard here – first segment of August 6 program – duration 6:50 mins.

Eric Schlosser on nuclear weapons and the illusion of safety – ABC RN: ‘Big Ideas’ – Feb 26, 2015

In this lecture, US author and journalist, Eric Schlosser, warns against complacency and reminds us why nuclear weapons remain the greatest threat ever to humanity and life on earth. This address is based upon his latest book, Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety, Penguin Books, August 2014.


Prof Richard Tanter on US military bases in Australia – ABC RN: ‘Late Night Live’ – Jan 27, 2015

In 1980 ANU security expert Des Ball published A Suitable Piece of Real Estate, American Installations in Australia. These military and intelligence bases are the cornerstone of the Australian/US defence relationship.

Over 30 years later, there are new calls for a renewed debate on the role of these highly secret joint installations and their contribution or otherwise to Australia’s security and sovereignty.


Nick Deane on becoming a peace activist – Community Radio 3CR: ‘Tuesday Hometime’ – Oct 2014

Nick Deane, member of the Marrickville Peace Group (MPG), spoke with 3CR’s presenter Jan Bartlett on family relations, why he resigned from Southhampton University’s Air Squadron in the UK, the influence of Peter Watkins’ drama-documentary The War Game, his arrival in Australia in 1970, his participation in the Vietnam Moratorium marches, and much more …


Vincent Emmanuele – Critic of U.S. military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan – ABC RN: ‘Late Night Live’ – May 5, 2014

Vincent Emanuele returned from two tours of Iraq suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He has since become an outspoken critic of the U.S. missions to Iraq and Afghanistan, and the treatment of veterans by his government.

