Online Raising Peace Festival – Recordings of events now available

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A successful online Raising Peace festival was held from 16th to 26th September 2021. It coincided with the world-wide observance of International Day of Peace held each year on 21st September.

The festival explored the significance that peace has for First Nations people, women, youth, refugees and the environment. It looked at the different ways that peace is defined and understand, from the absence of war to peacekeeping, peacebuilding and peacemaking. Importantly it sought to inspire and equip participants, both individually and collectively, to actively contribute to the cause of peace.

As Armando Vargas Araya, Ambassador for Costa Rica, said in his keynote address to the festival: “Like freedom, peace is not an original or permanent state. We have to build it again and again every day.”

Raising Peace comprised 37 events and more than 100 speakers from around Australia, as well as PNG, Cambodia, USA and Canada. Overall 1055 people registered for the event, representing over 30 organisations.

Recordings of the events held can be accessed here.

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