Category Archives: Independent and Peaceful Australia Network

IPAN calls for an immediate ceasefire and a negotiated settlement in the Ukraine

Source: Wikipedia. Click to enlarge.

In a media release published on 26th February 2022, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) condemns both the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and also the attacks by the Ukrainian Government on the people of the Donbas region.

IPAN calls for an immediate ceasefire by all parties, a withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine and for negotiations leading to a peaceful solution to the present crisis. Continue reading IPAN calls for an immediate ceasefire and a negotiated settlement in the Ukraine

IPAN – Interim Report on costs and consequences of the US-Australia Alliance released

Click to enlarge

The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) has released an Interim Report entitled A People’s Inquiry: Exploring the Case for an Independent and Peaceful Australia.  This Inquiry has investigated the costs and consequences of Australia’s involvement in US-led wars and the US-Australia Alliance.

The objective of the Inquiry was to encourage submissions from individuals and organisations on eight focus areas associated with the US-Australia Alliance – including social, political, military and defence, economic and environmental impacts – leading to a report that outlines a credible pathway towards achieving  a genuinely independent foreign policy for Australia. Continue reading IPAN – Interim Report on costs and consequences of the US-Australia Alliance released

Inquiry into War Crimes in Afghanistan

The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) has welcomed the announcement that a special investigator will be appointed to probe allegations of war crimes by Australian special forces in Afghanistan and prosecute any criminal misconduct. This follows a four-year inquiry into possible breaches of law between 2005 and 2016.

In its media release, IPAN’s spokesperson, Dr Alison Broinowski, called on this process to be public and transparent and not determined behind closed doors.  The media release also called on the following measures to be adopted:

Continue reading Inquiry into War Crimes in Afghanistan

IPAN’s Fifth National Conference

Peace activists outside Robertson Barracks, Darwin. Click photo to enlarge.

The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) held its fifth national conference in Darwin over the weekend of August 2-4, 2019. Darwin was the chosen location because it has, since 2012, played host to a US Marine Air-Ground Task Force. The MAGTF reached its full compliment of 2,500 personnel in July.

The conference began with a public meeting at the Charles Darwin University’s (CDU’s) Waterfront Campus. The meeting was attended by about 90 people – most of these were interstate conference attendees, but a good proportion were local. Continue reading IPAN’s Fifth National Conference