War in Ukraine

Below are references relating to the war in Ukraine

Noam Chomsky‘Options for Diplomacy Decline as Russia’s War on Ukraine Escalates’, interview with C. J. Polychroniou, Truthout, Nov 16, 2022.
Sue Wareham‘Ending the Ukraine and other wars: putting victims at the centre’Pearls and Irritations, Jul 31, 2022.
Joseph Camilleri, ‘The Ukraine conflict  calls for sharper vision and bolder action’Pearls and Irritations, Jul 28, 2022.
Jeffrey Sachs‘Ukraine is the latest neocon disaster’Pearls and Irritations, Jun 29, 2022.
Alison Broinowski‘Collateral Warfare: The US Proxy War in Ukraine’Arena Magazine, Jun 2022.
Noam Chomsky‘In Ukraine, Diplomacy Has Been Ruled Out’, interview with David Barsamian, Sheerpost, Jun 17, 2022.
John Mearsheimer, ‘On Who Gains The Most From The Ukraine-Russia War & What Could End Putin’s Assault’, interview with Zakka Jacob, CRUX, Apr 14, 2022.
Noam Chomsky‘A Left Response to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine’, interview with Bill Fletcher, The Real News, Apr 8, 2022
Chas Freeman‘US fighting Russia ‘to the last Ukrainian’,  Veteran US diplomat’s interview with Aaron Maté, The Grayzone, Mar 24, 2022.
