US Marines out of Darwin! petition

From January 2015 to January 2016, MPG circulated a petition calling on the Senate to enact legislation to end the deployment of US marines to Darwin. Approximately 1,200 signatures were collected comprising 1,060 hard copy signatures and 141 on-line signatures.

It is anticipated that Sen. Lee Rhiannon will formally present the petition to the Senate during the Autumn sitting (February-March 2016). Refer to details and links below.

Title: US Marines out of Darwin!
Author: Marrickville Peace Group
Aim: Request for Senate “to enact legislation to end the deployment of US marines to Darwin”.
Online link: Access closed online version here.
Hard copy link:
Start: January 2015
Finish: January 2016
Signatures: 1,200 (comprising 1,060 hard copy signatures and 141 on-line signatures).
Delivered to:
To be determined.
Presented by:
To be determined.

