Tag Archives: War crimes

Spain, Ireland and Norway have recognised a Palestinian state – what’s stopping Australia?

Photo:  A Palestinian flag was raised outside the Irish Parliament to mark its recognition of Palestinian statehood. BBC News

On Tuesday 28th May, Spain, Ireland and Norway officially recognised Palestinian statehood. This move adds to the Israel’s increasing isolation since its genocidal war on Gaza started almost eight months ago.

Statements by each of these European countries explained that they wanted to accelerate efforts to secure a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and that they aimed to encourage other European Union countries to follow suit.  Continue reading Spain, Ireland and Norway have recognised a Palestinian state – what’s stopping Australia?

Sydney remembrance of Iraq invasion

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March 20th, 2021, is the 18th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. That invasion was unnecessary, illegal and contrary to the UN Charter – yet Australia joined it. The outcome was the destabilisation of the Middle East that continues to this day.

Marrickville Peace Group has called a rally to demonstrate the fact that it has not forgotten (and will not forget) what was a shameful day.

Join the rally from 2.00pm, Saturday March 20, 2021 in Town Hall Square, Sydney.