F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Petition

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Petition

Between March and July 2014, MPG actively supported IPAN’s petition opposing the Federal government’s plan to purchase the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. A total of 1,708 signatures were collected (both online and hard copy). The petition was presented to the Senate on 26th November 2014. See details and links below.

Title: Cancel the purchase of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
Author: Independent Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)
Aim: For the Australian government ” to withdraw from the agreement made with the Lockheed Martin (Corporation) and divert the open-ended funding allowed for the purchase of the F35 to alternative, non-military purposes.”
Online link: Access closed online version here.
Hard copy link:
Start: March 2014
Finish: July 2014
Signatures: 1,708 (Online: 524 signatures; Hard copy: 1,184 signatures)
Delivered to:
President and Members of the Senate in Parliament, Australia
Presented by:
Presented to the Senate by Senator Scott Ludlam (Greens) on 26th Nov 2014. Refer to Senate Hansard link here.
Notes: MPG members helped promote and collect signatures for this petition.

