Daniel Duggan loses bid to delay U.S. extradition trial

Daniel Duggan, a former US marine pilot who obtained Australian citizenship in 2012, is currently fighting extradition to the U.S.

At the request of U.S. authorities, Duggan was arrested by the Australian Federal Police on an extradition warrant on 21st October 2022. He is currently being held in solitary confinement in Lithgow’s maximum security prison.  Continue reading Daniel Duggan loses bid to delay U.S. extradition trial

World Central Kitchen wants independent probe into Israeli attack on aid convoy

Photo: The Hill – WCK staff killed by Israeli drone in Gaza. Top left to right: Palestinian Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha, Lalzawmi “Zomi” Frankcom of Australia, Damian Soból of Poland, and Jacob Flickinger of the U.S. and Canada. Bottom left to right: John Chapman of Britain, James Henderson of Britain and James Kirby of Britain.

  News services have reported that during the night of Monday 1st April 2024, an Israeli airstrike killed six international aid workers and a Palestinian driver in central Gaza.

Those killed included Melbourne-born Lalzawmi “Zomi” Frankcom, aged 43. Of the other victims, one was from Poland, three were from United Kingdom, and another was a US-Canada citizen. Continue reading World Central Kitchen wants independent probe into Israeli attack on aid convoy

When will Australia join the TPNW?

Photo: ICAN Australia

Melissa Parke, executive director of International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), will be visiting Parliament House in Canberra this week to urge the Albanese Labor government to sign and ratify the United Nation’s Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), also known as the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. Continue reading When will Australia join the TPNW?

Daniel Duggan’s fight against extradition to the US

Photo: The Guardian – Dan Duggan

As Julian Assange fights extradition to the U.S. while imprisoned in London’s Belmarsh high security prison, so too is Daniel Duggan fighting extradition to the US while imprisoned in Lithgow’s high security prison. Continue reading Daniel Duggan’s fight against extradition to the US

“US airdrops into the Gaza Strip are pure theatre”

Al Jazeera English’s Listening Post: ‘”Who is the superpower? The US or Israel?” The absurdity of airdrops in Gaza.’

You’ve seen the images in the media coverage: the US air dropping aid into northern Gaza to feed hungry Palestinians. Headline news but also a textbook case of cognitive dissonance on Washington’s part – dropping food while continuing to provide Israel with bombs to pulverise Gaza.  Continue reading “US airdrops into the Gaza Strip are pure theatre”

Sit-in continues outside PM Albanese’s electoral office in Marrickville

A makeshift sit-in outside PM Anthony Albanese’s electoral office in Marrickville, has become a 24/7 protest action.

A visit to the sit-in on 6th March, found participants sitting on chairs with leaflets in hand, surrounded by placards and banners demanding an end to Israel’s genocide and 17-year-long illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip. Continue reading Sit-in continues outside PM Albanese’s electoral office in Marrickville

Katoomba rally calls for an end to Israel’s war crimes in Gaza

On Saturday 2nd March, over 100 people gathered in Katoomba to rally against Israel’s war on Gaza.  Organised by the community action group, Mountains for Palestine, participants heard from a number of speakers covering various aspects of the conflict, as well as recent local actions aimed at protecting Palestinian life and rights in Gaza.

Proceedings began with the rally co-ordinator, Aaisha, providing an acknowledgment of country.

Minute’s silence

A minute’s silence was then held. As a preamble, Jenna from Mountains for Palestine explained that a minute’s silence was being observed “for all martyrs lost due to Israel’s occupation and genocide in Palestine.” Continue reading Katoomba rally calls for an end to Israel’s war crimes in Gaza

Israel’s war on Gaza leading to catastrophic levels of deprivation and starvation

Photo: RN Breakfast – Getty Images

In an interview on 29th February 2024, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael Fakhri, provided a graphic account of how Israel’s war on Gaza is leading to catastrophic levels of deprivation and starvation.

This interview follows a briefing on 27th February 2024 to the UN Security Council on food insecurity in Gaza. At this briefing, senior UN humanitarian officials warned that well over half a million Gazans are just a step away from famine. They warned that famine is “almost inevitable” unless aid can be scaled up immediately. Continue reading Israel’s war on Gaza leading to catastrophic levels of deprivation and starvation

Survey finds 80 per cent of Australians support ceasefire in Gaza

A  survey commissioned by a coalition of humanitarian aid agencies has shown that more than 80% of Australians are in favor of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

In an ABC News interview on 27th February 2024, Lyn Morgain, Oxfam’s CEO, emphasised that the survey results showed that the Australian community wants the Albanese  government to do more to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.  Continue reading Survey finds 80 per cent of Australians support ceasefire in Gaza

Julian Assange’s last-ditch attempt to avoid extradition to the US

The extradition case of imprisoned WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange was heard last week at the British High Court of Justice in London.

In what is seen as a last-ditch attempt, Julian Assange’s lawyers are seeking permission from the High Court to challenge the extradition order signed by then UK home secretary Priti Patel in 2022.

At the conclusion of the two day hearing on 20th and 21st February 2024, judges Dame Victoria Sharp and Mr Justice Johnson, reserved their decision. A ruling is not expected to be handed down until next month at the earliest. Continue reading Julian Assange’s last-ditch attempt to avoid extradition to the US

AUKUS and the Marrickville Declaration

Meeting on 3rd February 2024 in Marrickville, representatives of more than 30 peace and community organisations endorsed the Marrickville Declaration, a document that highlights the dangers of the trilateral security partnership for the Indo-Pacific region between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States (AUKUS). Given the grave implications of AUKUS, the Marrickville Declaration commits the signatories to a public campaign aimed at getting the Australian government to withdraw from this pact.

Reproduced below is an edited version of a media release on the meeting and its outcomes prepared by Independent & Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN). The full version can be accessed here. Continue reading AUKUS and the Marrickville Declaration

Israel’s violation of the Genocide Convention continues unabated

Photo: Destruction of infrastructure in Gaza, Al Jazeera

On 26th January 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an interim order in response to South Africa’s application, lodged on 29th December 2023, alleging violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention) in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The order handed down contained six provisional measures.  The first of these measures stated: Continue reading Israel’s violation of the Genocide Convention continues unabated

Australian federal MPs express overwhelming support for Julian Assange – extradition appeal case to be heard on 20th and 21st Feb 2024

During parliamentary proceedings yesterday, Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, successfully moved a motion calling on the House of Representatives to recognise “the importance of the UK and USA bringing the matter to a close so that Mr Assange can return home to his family in Australia.”1

To their shame, all Opposition members present, except for the Member for Bass, Bridget Archer, voted against the motion. Nevertheless, the vote marks an unprecedented show of political support for Julian Assange by the Federal Parliament. Continue reading Australian federal MPs express overwhelming support for Julian Assange – extradition appeal case to be heard on 20th and 21st Feb 2024

The Labor government must immediately resume its funding of UNRWA

On 26th January 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) handed down its report on South Africa’s allegation that Israel had committed genocidal acts in its war on Gaza. The ICJ found that South Africa’s claim had plausibility. The ICJ also found that Palestinians in Gaza were facing a humanitarian catastrophe as a result of Israel’s massive air and land assaults on the besieged enclave since 7th October 2023.

Accordingly, the ICJ’s interim order required Israel to comply with the 1948 Genocide Convention, permit the resumption of adequate supplies of humanitarian aid into Gaza and act against those who were propagating genocidal statements.

Israel’s allegations

Coinciding with the release of the ICJ’s interim order and summary report, Israeli authorities made public its allegation that several UNRWA employees – a total of 12 in number – had been involved in some form with Hamas’ attack on southern Israel on 7th October 2023. No evidence regarding these allegations was publicly forthcoming. Continue reading The Labor government must immediately resume its funding of UNRWA

IPAN’s Open Letter to Prime Minister Albanese on Gaza – Invitation to sign – Feb 2024

The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) released this open letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on 1st February 2024.

It urges the Albanese government to reverse its decision to suspend funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), the primary aid agency supplying humanitarian assistance to the 2.3 million Palestinians in the besieged Gaza strip.

The open letter is reproduced below: Continue reading IPAN’s Open Letter to Prime Minister Albanese on Gaza – Invitation to sign – Feb 2024