Category Archives: Promoting Peace

Spain, Ireland and Norway have recognised a Palestinian state – what’s stopping Australia?

Photo:  A Palestinian flag was raised outside the Irish Parliament to mark its recognition of Palestinian statehood. BBC News

On Tuesday 28th May, Spain, Ireland and Norway officially recognised Palestinian statehood. This move adds to the Israel’s increasing isolation since its genocidal war on Gaza started almost eight months ago.

Statements by each of these European countries explained that they wanted to accelerate efforts to secure a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and that they aimed to encourage other European Union countries to follow suit.  Continue reading Spain, Ireland and Norway have recognised a Palestinian state – what’s stopping Australia?

IPAN’s National Conference: Speeches and Presentations – 22 to 24 November 2022

The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) held its National Conference in Canberra from 22nd to 24th November, 2022.

Tuesday 22nd November

The conference began with an public meeting and launch of David Bradbury’s new documentary The Road to War. After the launch, the meeting was addressed by a number of speakers including Tjanara Goreng Goreng, Emma Shortis, David Brophy and Richard Broinowski.

Wednesday 23rd November

The second day included a series of sessions consisting of various talks, panel discussions and reports. Continue reading IPAN’s National Conference: Speeches and Presentations – 22 to 24 November 2022

IPAN – Interim Report on costs and consequences of the US-Australia Alliance released

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The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) has released an Interim Report entitled A People’s Inquiry: Exploring the Case for an Independent and Peaceful Australia.  This Inquiry has investigated the costs and consequences of Australia’s involvement in US-led wars and the US-Australia Alliance.

The objective of the Inquiry was to encourage submissions from individuals and organisations on eight focus areas associated with the US-Australia Alliance – including social, political, military and defence, economic and environmental impacts – leading to a report that outlines a credible pathway towards achieving  a genuinely independent foreign policy for Australia. Continue reading IPAN – Interim Report on costs and consequences of the US-Australia Alliance released

Online Raising Peace Festival – Recordings of events now available

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A successful online Raising Peace festival was held from 16th to 26th September 2021. It coincided with the world-wide observance of International Day of Peace held each year on 21st September.

The festival explored the significance that peace has for First Nations people, women, youth, refugees and the environment. It looked at the different ways that peace is defined and understand, from the absence of war to peacekeeping, peacebuilding and peacemaking. Importantly it sought to inspire and equip participants, both individually and collectively, to actively contribute to the cause of peace. Continue reading Online Raising Peace Festival – Recordings of events now available