Category Archives: Impacts of War

Blue Mountains Peace Collective: Picnic for Peace – 21st April 2024

An Earth Day Picnic for Peace was organised by the Blue Mountains Peace Collective on Sunday 21st April 2024.

Held at Wilson Park in Wentworth Falls, the event attracted around 50 people and featured a teach-in and launch of a brochure entitled ‘War Costs the Climate’.

Confronting the threats of war and ending the AUKUS security pact were identified as essential to combating the climate emergency.

Additional topics highlighted during the event included:

– the high greenhouse gas emissions generated by the world’s militaries with Australia and its AUKUS partners, the UK and the US, being among the worse polluters; Continue reading Blue Mountains Peace Collective: Picnic for Peace – 21st April 2024

Honour the War Dead by Ending War!

As in past years, MPG will be active again on Remembrance Day – Monday, November 11. The group aims to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph in Martin Place, Sydney. The wreath will have white and yellow flowers (white for peace and yellow in recognition of service personnel who have taken their own lives). It will bear the slogan used in previous actions – ‘Honour the War Dead by Ending War!’

Read the media release here.


A wreath, procured by Antoinette Riley, was laid at the Cenotaph. Peter Griffin (in the photo) and Nick Deane represented MPG.


War’s toll on children

Armed conflicts around the world are inflicting a devastating toll on children.

Save the Children’s report Blast Injuries: The impact of explosive weapons on children in conflict states: “In 2017 nearly a fifth of all children were living close to conflict – with 142 million children living near areas of intense fighting. These children are more at risk of harm than any generation since the end of the Cold War. The number of verified incidents of all six grave violations against children in war – as  identified by the United Nations – continues to increase, with the reported number tripling since 2010.” Continue reading War’s toll on children