Monthly Archives: February 2016

How does Australia go to war?

How WarOn Thursday, February 18, Nick Deane (MPG) gave a talk to the Quakers’ Peace and Justice group on the topic of how Australia goes to war.

He based his talk on the publication How Does Australia Go To War? produced by Australians for War Powers Reform.

The talk lasted for about 20 minutes and a lively discussion followed.

The full text of Nick’s address can be read here. The booklet can be viewed on-line here. Refer also to the Radio Skid Row interview relating to the same topic that was broadcast on February 25, 2016.

US alliance and the movement to ban nuclear weapons: Labor’s role?

Ban the bombA forum entitled ‘Banning Nuclear Weapons: Labor’s Role’ was held on February 14 during the NSW Labor Conference in the Sydney. The forum was part of the conference’s Fringe Program and its purpose was to explore “how a future federal Labor government could lead the way” on banning nuclear weapons. However, the inconsistency between Labor’s current policy on banning nuclear weapons and its ongoing support for the US “nuclear umbrella” was strongly criticised. Continue reading US alliance and the movement to ban nuclear weapons: Labor’s role?